The future of Europe... developed in EUROFUR European Research Group.

Dear colleagues We kindly invite you to participate in 17th annual International Scientific Conference “SOCIAL INNOVATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT” Date: 28-29, April 2021 at Klaipeda University (Lithuania). ONLINE More information in attached file Sincerely Prof. Ligita Šimanskienė Invitation conference SISRD2021 Registration form:
In light of the sudden changes in modern society, characterized by volatile values, economic hardship and job insecurity, young people who belong to a particularly vulnerable social group are often confused in their decisions. Mrs Rosa Indellicato, the Author of a book “La dispersione scolastica nel terzo millennio. Analisi e prospettive pedagogiche tra vecchi bisogni […]
Last Sunday, 7 February 2021, there was a meeting of the Management Board of EUROFUR group. The group has decided on the common research topic for 2021: “Society, human rights and digital world”. The participants proposed the possibility of supporting the organization of virtual mobility in order to conduct research for young scientists.
Rector of Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in cooperation with Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Business, WSB University in Warsaw, National University of Life Sciences and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev (Ukraine), Osmaniye Korkut Ata University (Turkey), Eurofur Research Group under Honorary Patronage of Polish Economic Society and European […]
On January 21, 2021, there was an organizational meeting of the founding members of the Eurofur research group. Language of the meeting: Italian. Topics covered: Publishing information about scientific and educational events in open access to the public on the website Organization of scientific seminars on interesting, current topics Proposal of a joint research topic […]
On behalf of organizers: Faculty of Law – University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw Faculty of Law and Economics – University Jaume I de Castellón Institute of Comparative Law and Interdisciplinary Research – University of Lodz Faculty of Legal Sciences – University of Las Palmas ULPGC we would like to invite for 11th […]
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce that November 19, 2020 will take place 12th International Scientific Conference on: “HUMAN BEING, SOCIETY AND SECURITY IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – CREATING CYBERCULTURE”, and will be the significant initiative of the EUROFUR research group, that will join researchers of different fields. The conference will […]
We are glad to announce that our Partner University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw is organizing: III International Scientific Conference “The legal and social aspects of development and safety of the child” November 20, 2020 (Online conference)   More information you can find here: 20 November 2020 Conference  
On 22 June 2020 we had finally a chance to meet, this year unfortunately not personally like in previous years in Józefów, Bari or Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. This year due to Covid-19 pandemic we met online using ICT. International online conference “Human rights in the time of crisis: state – society – technology […]
Start of EUROFUR As a result of the International Conference on Human Rights on June, 22, we start a European Research Group “Eurofur”.