On 21 December 2021 there was a seminar focused on AI and labor law.
speaker: Dr. habil. JUDr. Rastislav Funta, Ph.D., LL.M. – Danubius University (Slovakia)
Title: “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Labor Conditions: A Dark Future?”
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a science fiction, it exists around us, automating tasks and also improving our lives. Since AI and automation in particular becomes increasingly capable, a question arise how this will affect labor conditions in the future? Thus, we’ll take a look at some views of how the increasing AI capabilities will influence the future of our jobs.
Rastislav Funta is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the Trnava University in Trnava (Slovakia). In 2007 he finished postgraduate LL.M. study at the Faculty of Comparative State Law and Comparative Law at Andrássy Gyula Deutschsprachige University in Budapest (Hungary) in cooperation with Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg (Germany). In 2012 he finished his Ph.D. study of theoretical legal science of international law, European law and constitutional law at Charles University in Prague (Czech republic). He successfully completed the habilitation procedure (associate professor, Dr. habil.) in the field of state science and law at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the Széchenyi István University in Győr (Hungary). He is the author and co-author of several monographs, textbooks and professional publications focusing on EU law, competition law, International law, GDPR, computer law and artificial intelligence regulation. In 2020, he received the Karol Plank Award from the journal Justičná revue and Ministry of Justice of the Slovak republic.