Author: Iwona Florek

Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite members and affiliates of EUROFUR European Research Group to publish a joined monograph. During one year of the functioning of our Group there were several webinars and meetings organized. Many interesting topics were covered by the speakers from different social sciences disciplines. Our publication would be a summary […]
Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the organizing committee, I invite you to the 12th Polish-Spanish Conference on the European Legal Tradition. The theme of this year’s conference is as follows: Relationship between Law and Civil Society – Historical, Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective. The conference will be held on April 8, 2022 in hybrid mode. […]
We would like to invite you for the seminar focused on blue growth. Date: 24 November 2021 Time: 17 p.m. (Polish time) speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasa Viederyte  – Klaipeda University (Lithuania) Title: “Maritime nature and environmental challenges in regards to globalisation” Presentation will cover main aspects: Concept of Sustainable Maritime Economy Essential components and […]
On 21 December 2021 there was a  seminar focused on AI and labor law. speaker: Dr. habil. JUDr. Rastislav Funta, Ph.D., LL.M. – Danubius University (Slovakia) Title:  “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Labor Conditions: A Dark Future?”  Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a science fiction, it exists around us, automating tasks and also improving our lives. […]
On 26 October 2021there was a seminar focused on migration problems. speaker: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hatice Gokce Demirel – Firat University (Turkey) and  Assist. Prof. Dr. Zulfukar Aytaç KISMAN – Firat University (Turkey) Title: “Syrian Refugee Crisis and Turkey” Presentation consists of 4 sections I- Basic information about Syrians in Turkey II- Public Services for Syrians […]
On October 5, 2021, there was an organizational meeting of the management board of the Eurofur research group. Language of the meeting: English Topics covered: Research topic for 2022: Smart development (including smart, sustainable and inclusive growth) Plan for upcoming webinars: 26 October 2021 – “Migration problems – challenge for Turkey and European Union” – […]
ICT tools and e-learning during the Covid pandemic On 20 September 2021 on the initiative of prof. Jose Luis Zamora Manzano European academic teachers had a chance to meet and share their experience on the distant teaching. Moderators: prof. Jose Luis Zamora Manzano & prof. Carmen Gullamon Lazaro Speakers: prof. Carmen Gullamon Lazaro – Jaume […]
On 11 June 2021 there was a VI International Conference on Human Rights “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE FUTURE OF HUMAN RIGHTS ” Organizers: – Milton Friedman University in Budapest  (Hungary) – Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Józefów (Poland) Co-organizers: University ‘Aldo Moro’ in Bari CEDICLO, Interdepartmental Center of the University of Bari […]
This time we would like to invite you for the seminar focused on environmental issues. Date: 13 May 2021 Time: 17 pm Title: Environmental footprint methods – a tool to assess sustainability of economic activities  Speaker: Kęstutis Biekša, PhD – Klaipeda University  Link to the meeting on MS Teams: Short introduction Reducing pollutants, especially […]
We would like to invite you to participate in the next edition of the International Conference on Human Rights on “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Rights”. The Conference will take place on 11th  June 2021. The aim of the conference is to discuss the shape of a new society known as posthumanity, which […]